Soonhyun Noh
System software engineer, with experience working on operating systems (Linux kernel and AUTOSAR), hypervisors (KVM and XenGT), communication middlewares (DDS), deep learning framework (TensorFlow) and Android framework. Currently interested in platform-level support for edge computing and deep learning (both training and inference).
Soonhyun Noh and Seongsoo Hong, “Splash: A graphical programming framework for an autonomous machine,” The 16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), 2019.
Jungho Kim, Philkyue Shin, Soonhyun Noh, Daesik Ham and Seongsoo Hong, “Reducing memory interference latency of safety-critical applications via memory request throttling and Linux cgroup,” The 31st IEEE International System-on Chip Conference (SOCC), 2018.
Soonhyun Noh and Seongsoo Hong, “Splash: Stream processing language for autonomous driving,” The Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded AI for Autonomous Vehicles (WREAV), 2018.
Myungsun Kim, Soonhyun Noh, Jinhwa Hyeon and Seongsoo Hong, “Fair-share scheduling in single-ISA asymmetric multicore architecture via scaled virtual runtime and load redistribution,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 2018.
J. Jose Gonzales E., Chen Luo, Anshumali Shrivastava, Krishna Palem, Yongshik Moon, Soonhyun Noh, Daedong Park and Seongsoo Hong, “Location detection for navigation using IMUs with a map through coarse-grained machine learning,” Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2017.
Soonhyun Noh, Myungsun Kim and Seongsoo Hong, “Enhancing AUTOSAR safety mechanisms for ISO 26262 functional safety requirements,” FISITA World Automotive Congress, 2016.
Yongshik Moon*, Soonhyun Noh*, Daedong Park*, Chen Luo*, Anshumail Shirivastava, Seongsoo Hong and Krishna Palem, “CaPSuLe: A camera-based positioning system using learning,” 29th IEEE International System-on Chip Conference (SOCC), 2016. (* indicates equal contribution)
Myungsun Kim, Soonhyun Noh, Sungju Huh and Seongsoo Hong, “Fair-share scheduling for performance-asymmetric multicore architecture via scaled virtual runtime,” IEEE 21st International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), 2015.
- Ph.D. Candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University
- B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University